Hi Are there any de novo assemblers that will allow for variable length reads in one input file?
I have rna-seq transcriptome data and want remove adaptors (or parts of them) found in each read. The only way I can think of doing this is to remove the adaptors and write them back to a file. The problem is that there will be a range of read lengths in this file. I was hoping to avoid having to split this file into seperate files each containing same length reads. Hopefully this makes sense. Apologies for not explaining more clearly.
do you mean variable-trimmed reads or reads from different sequencers (sanger, illumina, 454)
do you mean variable quality-trimmed reads or reads from different sequencers (sanger, illumina, 454)?
Hi @paulN For this question, as well as for any next ones, it would be good to detail things a bit more. What is your starting material? What are you trying to accomplish? What are some limitations, assumptions? You will thus get much better answers and they will be more usefull to others too. Cheers!