I am performing differential expression of pathogen fungi Aspergillus fumigatus miRNAs in response to human blood infection.
first I trimmed adapters, then mapped trimmed fastq against whole genome fasta of Aspergillus fumigatus by bowtie2 now I am going to extract read count by htseq-count then i need miRBase microRNAs gff for Aspergillus fumigatus but after too much googling I did not find. do you know what can I do please? where I can find miRBase microRNAs gff or Aspergillus fumigatus or can I Aspergillus fumigatus gf3 from enseble neglecting I am working with miRNA????
thank you
You want to extract just miRNA coordinates
But the strange thing is biotype of these miRNA are
protein coding
. miRNAs are non coding right ?thank you I am performing DE for miRNAs then after providing bam file by bowtie2 I need a gff to extract read counts which should be unique miRNAs, am I wrong please???
then no need to seperate miRNA coordinates. you can use complete gff to get the readcount using
(faster than latter) orcufflinks
. each instances of miRNA in the gff are uniquethank you
may please tell me what should this code in R
awk -F "\t" '$3 == "miRNA"{print}' gff >out_miRNA