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8.2 years ago
I have one question about GATK CombineVariants.
Could you tell me whether GATK CombineVariants can load compressed vcf files?
Below command returned error.
java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T CombineVariants -R reference.fasta --variant input1.vcf.gz --variant input2.vcf.gz -o output.vcf
What error did you get ?
The message is shown as below;
I'm afraid it's not a vcf file. It looks like a file downloaded from the web. Anyway, vcf.gz files must be compressed with bgzip and indexed with tabix.
what's the output of :
The output was
input1.vcf.gz: gzip compressed data, extra field input2.vcf.gz: gzip compressed data, extra field
ok, so it's correct. It's clearly a set of bzipped files.
Can you now show me the output of: