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8.5 years ago
I've looked on Google and Biostars before but I can't quite seem to find this information.
I've tried both UCSC Table Browser and HUGN but both lists seem to have their own problems. I'm basically trying to:
- Download a list of human gene symbols for all protein-coding genes
- Along with their duplicate names
Thank you. I've seen posts for Ensembl and BioMart but can't seem to find the right link to do this.
Thank you, that's very helpful. I did a simialr with HUGO before and HUGO lists 19008 genes whereas NIH version gives 20731 genes. Is it because HUGO is "outdated"?
It seems like I'm getting different counts each time so that's why I was wondering.
Annotations change all the time, as knowledge about the genome is updated, so it would not be surprising to have a slight change in the number of genes from one release of the annotation files to the next.
The number of genes in the NCBI and HUGO lists may also differ because they each have their own annotation methods.
HUGO names are "official" names for human genes.
What do you mean "official" with quote? Are they better than NCBI list?
From this page. Also check the second question/answer.