Batch Effect Removal in RNA-Seq Data for DGE & WGCNA. Should I omit any samples according to PCA plots?
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8.4 years ago
gokce.ouz ▴ 80

Hi All,

I have 2 experimental condition and each condition has 18 samples. However, they are sequenced in 3 batches. 1 st batch 6 pair (disease & control), 2nd batch 6 pair (disease & control), 3rd batch 6 pair (disease & control).

Each batch done by different people over different times so I believe we have batch effect. As I am using DESeq2 for my analysis I set my model design as “Batch+Type”. I used removeBatchEffect from limma package and plotted PCA & did hierarchical clustering using spermann correlation to see which samples are outliers.(I attached the graphs below). I also used an alternative PCA &plotting (prcomp() & fviz_pca_ind) which actually confused me. The ggplot & fviz_pca_ind graphs look different from each other. Which one should I trust?

Another issue I am facing is 1st & 2nd batches are 76 bp paired end, however the last batch is 101 bp paired end.I did not add this into the design separately. Should I add it to the model design ? If so, how should I desing ? or Should I trim all fastq files to 76 bp to have same size ? What do you suggest?

I would like to do differential gene expression analysis and WGCA. So Should I remove any samples according to these PCA plots or just do analysis as I already included batch effect into the model design as "~Batch+Type"

I really appreciate if you give me some insight,

Thanks in advance,


ddsMat.pre<- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(seMat.pre, sample.table.ERSvsPT.pre, design=~Batch+Type)
dds.pre <- dds.pre[ rowSums(counts(dds.pre)) > 1, ]


rld.batch <- rlog(dds.pre, blind= FALSE)
rlogMat.batch <- assay(rld.batch)

Removing batch effect

removedbatch=removeBatchEffect(rlogMat.batch, batch=sample.table.ERSvsPT.pre$Batch, design= design )

Plotting the PCA

before removing batch effect:

data.batch<-plotPCA(rld.batch, intgroup=c("Batch","Type"), returnData=TRUE)
percentVar.batch <- round(100 * attr(data.batch, "percentVar"))
ggplot(data.batch, aes(PC1, PC2, color=Batch, shape=Type, label= name)) + geom_text(size=6,hjust = 0, nudge_x = 0.05) + geom_point(size=2) + xlab(paste0("PC1: ",percentVar.batch[1],"% variance")) +   ylab(paste0("PC2: ",percentVar.batch[2],"% variance")) + ggtitle("PCA of RLD_Type+Batch ") + coord_fixed()

after removing batch effect:

data.removed<-plotPCA(rld.removed, intgroup=c("Batch","Type"), returnData=TRUE)
percentVar.removed <- round(100 * attr(data.removed, "percentVar"))
ggplot(data.removed, aes(PC1, PC2, color=Batch, shape=Type, label= name)) + geom_text(size=6,hjust = 0, nudge_x = 0.05) + geom_point(size=3) + xlab(paste0("PC1: ",percentVar.removed[1],"% variance")) +  ylab(paste0("PC2: ",percentVar.removed[2],"% variance")) + ggtitle("PCA after removeBatchEffect ") + coord_fixed()

Alternative PCA method : prcomp() & fviz_pca_ind

before.pca <- prcomp(t(rlogMat.batch), scale=T)
after.pca <- prcomp(t(removedbatch), scale=T)
quali.sup <- as.factor(colData(rld.readlength)$Type)
fviz_pca_ind(before.pca,habillage = quali.sup, addEllipses = TRUE, ellipse.level = 0.75) + theme_minimal()
fviz_pca_ind(after.pca,habillage = quali.sup, addEllipses = TRUE, ellipse.level = 0.68) + theme_minimal()

Before removing the batch effect:

image: Before removing the batch effect

After removing the batch effect:

image: After removing the batch effect

Alternative PCA plot for Before Batch effect removal:

image: Alternative PCA plot for Before Batch effect removal

Alternative PCA plot for After Batch effect removal:

image: Alternative PCA plot for After Batch effect removal

Batch-effect RNA-Seq R DESeq2 • 6.7k views
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8.4 years ago

The ggplot & fviz_pca_ind graphs look different from each other. Which one should I trust?

Those are different graphs (biplot vs graph of indidividuals) so one can expect different output. The first representation is used more often as far as I know and might be a safer pick.

Another issue I am facing is 1st & 2nd batches are 76 bp paired end, however the last batch is 101 bp paired end.I did not add this into the design separately. Should I add it to the model design ? If so, how should I desing ? or Should I trim all fastq files to 76 bp to have same size ? What do you suggest?

I don't think it is necessary to add this in the design since it is already taken into account in the batch factor. You definitely should NOT trim the 101 bp-reads fastq files.

I would like to do differential gene expression analysis and WGCA. So Should I remove any samples according to these PCA plots or just do analysis as I already included batch effect into the model design as "~Batch+Type"

For DEG analysis in DESeq, there is no need to explicitely remove the batch effect because it is already taken into account, as you said. For WGCA I don't know, I never did that kind of analysis.

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I really appreciate your insights. Thanks a lot Carlos.
So I do not need to remove the P5 &P6 which belong to the left hand side group in first two graphs.

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I don't see a reason to remove them. Don't be too scared by the vertical distance between P5/P6 and the others points : the y-axis represents only 8% of total variance.

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In general for WGCNA you should adjust for batch effects prior to performing the analysis (input should be a matrix containing normalized expression). In addition it is recommended to remove low count "genes" and apply a variance stabilizing transformation when using RNAseq as input (from WGCNA FAQ page:


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