Dear Friends, Hi ( I'm not native in English so, be ready for some possible language flaws).
I want to use BLASTGrabber (software), but it needs taxonomy information in blast output results and it is only accepting xml output format (outfmt 5).
How can I include or add taxonomy information in my blast script ?
this is my usual script (using NCBI-blast-2.4.0+ ):
blastx -query Trinity.fasta -db nr -out blastx-Trinity.xml -evalue 1e-6 -num_threads 24 -max_target_seqs 1 -outfmt 5
Correction: You can't include additional information (like taxonomy) with
-outfmt 5
. You may need to use one of the other options.Dear genomax2, Hi.
It was the reason that I have asked this question : the blastGrabber need XML output and Taxonomy information at the same time !
What must I do ?
Blast grabber supports XML and text output files (according to the manual you linked above) so you should be able to use 6,7 or 10 (with -outfmt "6 staxids sscinames" etc).
I have tried it again. It did not accept blastx.outfmt and blastx.txt files but it accepted blastx.xml !
I will send an email to creator of the software in this regard.
Thank you genomax2