Hello, I have a question regarding the ChIP-seq data from the ENCODE Project available on goo.gl/uTlPgE I have downloaded all of the data available from Homo sapien transcription factor ChIP-seq experiments (which ends up being more than 2500 fastq files), and I want to do peak calling on these files after alignment, therefore, I would need a control file for each of the ChIP-seq experiment files to do peak-calling on. However, I don't know how to find the ID for the control experiment corresponding to each experiment, since there is no file on the ENCODE website that has all the control experiments for each experiment laid out. I was wondering if anyone has any idea about how to go about finding the control experiments for this very large number of downloaded files without having to look each experiment up separately on the ENCODE website.
I would appreciate any responses!
You'd have to go through them manually, each experiment has a control dataset specified. Well ... almost all of them do. ENCODE is funny sometimes and this right here is one of the most frustrating reasons.
That's the only way I have found to work as well, the problem is that it will take more time that I'm willing to spend to go through all the files I have downloaded and find their control experiments manually. I really hope there is another way!