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8.5 years ago
I tried to use fastq-dump.2.4.2 --split-files *.sra to convert sra file to fastq file. And, half of the data succeed, but half of them showed the error message.
fastq-dump.2.4.2 error: name not found while resolving tree within virtual file system module - failed ERR048042.sra
The ncbi-error report was shown below:
<Start value="Tue Sep 20 2016 1:18:13 AM"/>
<End value="Tue Sep 20 2016 1:18:13 AM"/>
<Home name="HOME" value="/home/yrc"/>
<CommandLine argc="3">
<Arg index="0" value="fastq-dump.2.4.2"/>
<Arg index="1" value="--split-files"/>
<Arg index="2" value="ERR048042.sra"/>
<Result rc="RC(rcVFS,rcTree,rcResolving,rcName,rcNotFound)"/>
<User admin="false"/>
<Files count="0">
<refseq state="not found"/>
<krypto state="pwfile: not found"/>
<sra state="not found"/>
<Error rc="RC(rcKFG = rcLastModule_v1_0,rcNode,rcOpening,rcPath,rcNotFound)" function="KRepositoryMgrCurrentProtectedRepository" (null)="(null)"/>
<Object path="ERR048042.sra" type="database" fs_type="archive" size="434328374">
<Error rc="RC(rcKFG = rcLastModule_v1_0,rcNode,rcOpening,rcPath,rcNotFound)" function="VDatabaseListDependencies"/>
<VDBLibrary vers="2.6.4"/>
<Build static="false">
<Error rc="RC(rcCont,rcNamelist,rcInserting,rcString,rcEmpty)" function="VDBManagerListExternalSchemaModules"/>
<Tool date="Oct 14 2014" name="fastq-dump.2.4.2" vers="2.4.2">
<Binary path="/home/yrc/bin/fastq-dump.2.4.2" type="file" md5="f5aff6b2bb23b70b74f4fe99fea2a490"/>
Thank you!
Yessss. Thank you. That is a good point.