I have a CSV files contains the regression coefficients with their p-values for 5 variables and I want to plot a heatmap in R for those variables and adding the p-values for each variable in my heatmap.I got the heatmap with the coefficients values on it but I don't know how to add the p-values on the same heatmap for each cell.
Here is the code lines that I used to create the heatmap
heat_map = read.csv("data.csv",header=TRUE)
heat_map <- data.matrix(heat_map)
heatmap.2(heat_map, trace="none",margins=c(8,10),keysize=1,Rowv=NULL,Colv=NULL, scale="none",col=greenred(75) ,cexRow=1.5,cexCol=1.5,cellnote = heat_map,notecol = "white",density.info = "none",main = "main")