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8.4 years ago
Hi All,
I have a clst.dat file in PLINK which has FID IID CLSTID format. I have 10 clusters, but after I run the following:
./plink --bfile Filename --freq --within clst.dat --out FileOut
The log says only 7 clusters were loaded, covering 43 people. However, I have 370 people covered in 10 clusters. I am wondering what am I missing or do I have to use any QC technique to get all the people in all clusters.
I am doing this to generate the frq.strat file to input in TREEMIX.
Any help is appreciated.
Can you send me the .log file from that run, along with Filename.fam and clst.dat?
Should I mail you at chrchang@alumni.caltech.edu ? Please let me know otherwise.
Thanks a lot for the prompt response.
Yes, that should work.
I have mailed you all the files but got a failure mail from the mail delivery system saying probably it's over quota. It'd be great if you look into it or if you have an alternate email.
Regards, Aritra
Okay, try chrchang523 at gmail.