A very naive question I want to show significance differences in distribution of two tests of values, I an easily show by box plot and have confidence of interval calculated. I have see several papers also showing a p value. How can I calculate p value to show differences among two box plots. A google search showed that CI an p values are calculated from same formula. Then how can I get p value either from CI or from a different calculation from two distributions
The box plot is only a way of displaying data.
Statistical tests are based on the underlying dataset. What kind of data do you have?
I have gee expression between disease vs control
Across multiple genes? The more information you give, the more people can help.
Is it something like this?
Fpkm Comparison Using T-Test Or Mann-Whitney U Test
4 groups with 10 replicates : two normal groups untreated/ treated; two groups of disease untreated/ treated . DE was calculated using ANOVA.