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8.5 years ago
Hi all,
I am using SSPACE-longreads to scaffold my genome (around 3G) with error corrected Pacbio data (10000000 reads), but the output is super slow, it seems the process will take 3 months. Is there any alternative to fulfill the same purpose? Or are there any suggestion to speed up, for example changing part of the code or any trick? BTW, I am using the default parameters.
Did you try using more CPU by changing the -T parameter?
Yes, 8 threads. But, the blasr just take couple hours to complete. And I think SSPACE-longreads don't run multi-thread after blasr.
what about PBJelly’s? Each step in PBJelly’s workflow can be run on a cluster
I am trying PBjelly now. Waiting for the result. But what else I can try?
AHA is part of SMRT Analysis, it seems too complicate to setup. I will try after the PBJelly finish.