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8.4 years ago
Peter Chung
I downloaded the RNA Seq data TCGA Legacy Archive, all the rsem.gene.normalized_results is UUID, how can I know the TCGA barcode back because I can't identify the normal samples and tumor samples. But the isoform.quantitifcation has the TCGA barcode name, so i was confused, can anyone explain it to me?
Thank you so much.
You can refer to these pages to solve your problem. https://wiki.nci.nih.gov/display/TCGA/TCGA+Barcode+to+UUID+Web+Service+User%27s+Guide TCGA UUIDS to TCGA barcode (SampleID) in R https://github.com/chunjie-sam-liu/useful-scripts/blob/master/mapFileUUID2submitterID.py