I have samples that are processed in three ways: whole genome seqeuncing, whole exome sequencing, and infinium SNP array. I'm looking for suggestions on how I could compare these data to see how much variance there exists simply due to using different technologies. Specifically, I'm interested in copy number analysis. My initial thought is to obtain the log ratios for each and then see the correlation in log ratio between different methods. I can get the log ratio for SNP array data, but I don't know how to do it for WGS or WES. Has anyone done something similar in the past? I also can't seem to find any recent work that has done this kind of work before, so I would appreciate any pointers.
To look for differences, I'd compare SNPs, indels, etc for base difference, position difference, even the call quality. But for CNVs, I am not sure if the SNP array will cooperate unless your SNP array results are different from what I have seen. In general, don't you usually get a genotype call per locus for each sample with SNP array? That said, I have seen people run PCR/qPCR with fluorescence-labeled SNP tags though to get an idea of copy number. Maybe you have this kind of data.