In your linux command line you can use this mysql command to get all exons start and end positions from hg19 with the strand:
mysql --user=genome -A -D hg19 -N -e 'select chrom,exonStarts,exonEnds,name2,strand from refGene ' > h19.genes
After that, you run this awk command to separate all exon (comma separated) fields into different rows:
awk '{ n = split($2, a, ","); split($3, b, ","); for(i=1; i<n; ++i) print $1, a[i], b[i], $4, $5 }' h19.genes > h19.genes.bed
you will need to sort the bed file like this:
sort -k1,1V h19.genes.bed > h19.genes.sorted.bed
sometimes the file has spaces instead of tabs and this will crash bedtools, to fix it use:
sed -i 's/ \+/\t/g' h19.genes.bed
And add the 5º column to the 6º, as bedtools merge expect strandness at 6º column
awk -v OFS="\t" '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$5}' h19.genes.sorted.bed > h19.genes.bed
run bedtools merge to collapse all isoform variants into one:
merge -s -c 4 -o distinct -i h19.genes.bed > tmp && mv tmp h19.genes.bed
go and use the bedtools multicov for count the number of things per bed record
Alternatively, you can use the table browser at and set the options you need as in (1 for exons, and other for introns):
![enter image description here](
The caveat here is that you do not get the gene names, only ucsc id's (at least for what I know).
For intergenic regions I do not know any simple way to get this. I would construct a BED file simple by subtracting the regions between genes using the coordenates of each gene.
Maybe some more seniour bioinformatician here could help more.