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8.4 years ago
I am analysing a set of MeDip-seq Data Using the MeQa pipeline. my pipeline crushes because there is no bioconductor BSgenome Package available for Olea Europeae . i am creating my custom BSgenome package following the Bioconductor Manual .
here is my Package seed File
Package: BSgenome.Oeuropaea.IOGC.v1.
Title: Full genome sequences for Olea Europaea var. sylvestris (IOGC version 1).
Description: Full genome sequences for Olea Europaea var. sylvestris (olive) as provided by IOGC (v1, 2016) and stored in olea europaea genome browser.
Version: 1.0.
organism: Olea Europaea var.sylvestris.
common_name: Olive.
provider: IOGC.
provider_version: v1.
release_date: 2016.
release_name: OE1.0.
source_url: http://h3abionet.fso.ump.ma/cgi-bin/gb2/gbrowse/olea_europea/.
organism_biocview: Olea_europaea.
BSgenomeObjname: Oeuropaea.
seqnames: paste("chr", c(1:23, "Un", paste(c(1:23, "Un"))), sep="").
when i run the
> library(BSgenome)
> forgeBSgenomeDataPkg("path/to/my/seed")
the files are loaded but then i get the following error
Loading 'chr23' sequence from FASTA file '/opt/exp_soft/magrid/MeQA-1.0.0/a/Olea-Europaea_BS_genome_package/chr23.fa' ... DONE
Loading 'chrUn' sequence from FASTA file '/opt/exp_soft/magrid/MeQA-1.0.0/a/Olea-Europaea_BS_genome_package/chrUn.fa' ... DONE
**Error in XVector:::new_XVectorList_from_list_of_XVector(tmp_class, x) :
all elements in 'x' must be DNAString objects**
do i need to convert my fasta files into DNAstring objects ? if yes how ? any help is very welcome
executed without error, but while runningR CMD check BSgenome.Aiptasia.CC7
I am facing following error:Hello Vijay lakhujani thank you so much for your valuable response .
Please up vote the response if it really helped you. It will help others who might face the same issue.
can you please provide more details ??
I get the same error as oussama badad even after I followed your suggestion of requiring the use of Biostrings... Do you have a further suggestion or idea of what might be wrong?
Thank you in advance!
Can you please share what you tried? What I gave was a generic example; please share the exact commands you tried.
Here is my seed file:
Then, I run:
...gives an error message of:
So as you suggested, I tried:
...which still gives me the same error message:
Thanks again!
Here is a slight update on my situation.
I haven't really solved my problem yet, but I found a work around (namely: use-another-computer).
Apparently, if I use newer versions of the packages, I get into the error mentioned above. I also realised that it never saves seqlengths or compressed data. The versions were:
But if I use:
Then, it runs without an error message.
However, when I check if I can install the final package with
Now, I get
I would appreciate if someone can point out what I need to change or what I should try.
Hello again, I received a reply on Bioconductor, and changing the seqname line in the seed file to:
solved my problem.