Hi Friends,
I have list of 10,000 Entrez IDs and I want to convert the multiple Entrez IDs into the respective gene names. Could someone suggest me the way to do this?
In a Bioconductor package called "Biomart", we can do this for individual gene. Like
lookUp('3815', 'org.Hs.eg', 'SYMBOL')
[1] "KIT"
lookUp('3815', 'org.Hs.eg', 'REFSEQ')
[1] "NM_000222" "NM_001093772" "NP_000213" "NP_001087241"
This answer I got it from SEQanswer, but then is there any way to do this for multiple Entrez IDs?
Thanks in advance.
I think this may be one of the easiest way to do this task. You can convert Entrez ID into gene name by using website called "MatchMiner" (http://discover.nci.nih.gov/matchminer/MatchMinerLookup.jsp). All you need to do is to upload a file that contains all your Entrez IDs. This website will convert them into HUGO gene names.
Thanks @hojoon.compbio it worked... :o)
What is the library "annotate" and how can I install it, please?
It's a Bioconductor package; details and installation instructions are here:
Great! Which function converts gene symbols to entrez gene ids, please?
Time for you to read some documentation I think :)
Thanks for your question, this what I need