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8.1 years ago
I'm running FastQC on a set of raw fq reads that were generated by NextSeq. On some files, but not all, I get the error "Expected 2 sections for contaminant line but got 1 from Illumina Paired End”. It looks like it originates from the contaminant finder module (see here: https://github.com/csf-ngs/fastqc/blob/master/uk/ac/bbsrc/babraham/FastQC/Sequence/Contaminant/ContaminentFinder.java). However, I've never specified the contaminants option and this error does not come up for other files, despite being run in exactly the same way. Any ideas?
Thanks for your help!
Following is only a vague suggestion but something to look at while you wait for a more informed response.
Sounds like your data may have been trimmed on the instrument (or in BaseSpace) and I wonder if the reads may now be out of order, if one of the reads from a pair was discarded during trimming.
Can you do a quick check on the file pairs to see if you have the same number of reads in both R1/R2. If not, you would need to fix that by using
from BBMap suite.Huh! I didn't know the instrument or BaseSpace could trim reads. However, it looks like there are the same number of reads in R1/R2. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll check that now each time I get reads back from an instrument.