Hi I am trying to trim my fastq files where I have reads ranging from 20bp to 150bp as shown by fastqc result. I want to keep a definitive length of my reads to 120bp. So if any read is greater than 120 bp trim it to 120 and if any read is less than 120 then discard it. How can I do this using cutadapt?
I can use -m option to throw away reads less than 120 bp but I still get reads greater than 120 bp. How can I trim them to 120 bp.
This is the command I am using
cutadapt -m 120 -o file1.trimmed.fq -p file2.trimmed.fq file1.fq file2.fq
Also can trim galore do that?
If your goal is just to trim the reads, why do you want to use cutadapt ? You could use something like fastq_trimmer
I was using cutadapt so thought this would be possible using it. I will look into fastq_trimmer. Thanks
Since no one has asked this I will. Why do you want to do this? Unless the reads have really poor Q-scores (< Q10) or show presence of adapters, there should be little reason to trim them. Far too many people take "failures" of FastQC modules seriously.
Hi genomax2, The reads are fine as far as quality scores are concerned. The reason I want to do this is I am using rMATS downstream which as of now requires fixed length of the reads.
Hi, Varun,
I asked similar questions in the rMATS forum. I have pair-end fastq reads with a length of 151 bp. After adaptor trimming, the length is not uniform for all reads, the developer told me that I can still use "--variable-read-length --readLength 151" arguments in the command line. I tried and this works for me.