I am performing gsea with p-values and foldchanges of genes (homosapiens) obtained from rna-seq data. Is it a good idea to do reduction of redundant gene sets afterwards? Because when I plot the results from gsea analysis as a network plot, too many terms that are significant are plotted and plot becomes very hard to read. I know that people do redundant term reduction before or after GO over-representation analysis (hypergeometric test) but I am not sure if it should be done after GSEA type analysis. I want to keep significant term of specific level and remove general term if the term contains >=50% genes as compared to general terms levels. Is there any method available? Suggestions please.
I am not sure for GSEA results...
But for GO enrichment analysis with goseq, I usually remove the too specific and too general terms for plots. I have written a R package called gogadget (gogadget: an R package for go analysis visualization and interpretation ), with a filter function.
But there are more tools available such as REVIGO or GO trimming.
Good luck!