What is the status of the options for the epic peak caller? The most recent version in the changelog is v0.1.2 (unreleased). I just installed it with conda and it brought down 0.1.6.
(p2) bicb199:examples balter$ epic --version
epic 0.1.6
Also, the changelogs for 0.1.19 removed all bedgraph and bigwig options, but they are still on the README docs.
0.1.20 says that there is a new -b
option for creating bed files (as output I assume), but I get an error that that option is not recognized, so maybe it has been removed?
usage: epic [-h] --treatment TREATMENT [TREATMENT ...] --control CONTROL
[CONTROL ...] [--number-cores NUMBER_CORES] [--genome GENOME]
[--keep-duplicates KEEP_DUPLICATES] [--window-size WINDOW_SIZE]
[--gaps-allowed GAPS_ALLOWED] [--fragment-size FRAGMENT_SIZE]
[--false-discovery-rate-cutoff FALSE_DISCOVERY_RATE_CUTOFF]
[--effective_genome_length EFFECTIVE_GENOME_LENGTH]
[--store-matrix STORE_MATRIX] [--paired-end] [--version]
epic: error: unrecognized arguments: -b
0.1.21 says that it uses pyBigWig
to create bigwigs, but I'm not sure how to use this functionality.
The most recent release is 0.1.20, which is available via pypi. I'll update bioconda now so it has 0.1.20 (if you
conda install -c bioconda epic
you'll currently get 0.1.17). Regarding 0.1.21, I don't think that's released yet. He (endrebak) was just asking me about using pyBigWig a week or so ago, so I imagine the next release needs a bit of time.So how come I got V0.1.6?
Oh, and should the
switch for bed files be active now? I'm getting an error. But I'm also getting a funny version. I installed using bioconda as you showed above.TravisCI has been having issues, so the bioconda package was only just updated a few hours ago.