Hello All! iam new at BIOSTARS so I hope this is the right place to put my question.
My case: We have sequenced 3 yeast strains (not cerevisiae) and we would like to go through the whole genome assembly pipeline. We have different reference genomes available -> closed and draft genome references.
Here are the sequencing specifications: **Illumnia MiSeq
around 8,5 million reads each way (paired ends)
most reads around 90-120 bp long
high coverage: around 90x**
I would like to know what are recommanded tools for the diffrent steps in the pipeline, which takes into account our specifications. So far we thought about:
Assessing quality: FastQC, or...
trimming/ cut adaptors,primers: Cutadept or AdapterRomoval, or...
Initial contig building: Discovar or SOAPdenovo or Abyss or SPAdes 3.9, or...
Scaffolding: Medusa, or...
What tools would you suggest?
Thanks and best regards!
BBMap is really perfect
Isn't QUAST comparing assembly and not performing the assembly and scaffolding itself?
yes. I am saying after using different tools for assembly you can compare your result using QUAST
Ok, now is clear. Thanks