Hi, I have some ATAC seq data along with RNA seq data. I have generated bed files of common peaks and unregulated peaks between two cell types. I was using homer to find common and upregulated motifs which have mapped upregulated genes from one cell type to another. I read the tutorial of Homer. It says that find motifgenome.pl aims at finding differential motifs compared to the background. But there was just one peak file in the script so I am not sure what the background is. Is it just the whole genome (hg19) or what ? Is it ok to use findmotifgenome. pl to find the common motifs?
I have mapped upregulated genes (from RNA seq) with common peaks between two cell types and then did findmotifgenome.pl to find the motifs from that file. I have some interested motifs which I want to know which genes that they might target, so I used annotatePeak.pl to find out. The peaks score is very high and Focus Ratio/Region Size are gene names.
if you are looking for de novo peaks as well, you might want to run it a few times since results may be slightly different between subsequent runs with few peaks. Just something to keep in mind.