I downloaded the raw idat and gtc files from 1000 genomes
I've worked with gtc files before; usually when I read a gtc file it's formatted like this
Autocall Version
Processing Date xxxxxxx
Content xxxxxxx
Cluster File xxxxxxxxx
Gender F
Num SNPs 588454
Total SNPs 588454
Num Samples 1
Total Samples 1
SNP Name Chromosome Position GC Score Allele1 - Top Allele2 - Top Allele1 - AB Allele2 - AB X Y Raw X Raw Y R Illumina Theta Illumina bAllele Freq Log R Ratio Illumina
1KG_1_100177980 1 100177980 0.48461673 D D A A 0.94567627 0.059305623 5804.0 416.0 1.0049819 0.039871734 0.004416389 -0.24513713
1KG_1_108681808 1 108681808 0.89722306 D D A A 1.3823626 0.10066457 8442.0 680.0 1.4830272 0.046277393 0.0276307 -0.13262351
But when I try to read one of the gtc files in the 1000 genomes document it gives a binary file error and I cannot read it.
I tried looking up some software but I don't know what to do really?
How do I convert binary gtc files into the example I gave above?
How do you create a manifest file required for Illumina's GTCtoVCF python source. I have the idat and gtc file but not the manifest file. Can someone please tell me how can I generate that ?