I have the latest versions of htslib (1.3.2), samtools (1.3.1), and bcftools (1.3.1) installed. System is CentOS 5.
The first oddity is that bcftools mpileup does not work; it returns: unrecognized command 'mpileup'
mpileup seems to run fine with samtools. However, the resulting VCF file has all zero values in the QUAL column. The qual scores in the input BAM file look fine.
In the command line above, samtools collects summary information in
the input BAMs, computes the likelihood of data given each possible
genotype and stores the likelihoods in the BCF format (see below). It
does not call variants. Bcftools applies the prior and does the actual
calling. It can also concatenate BCF files, index BCFs for fast random
access and convert BCF to VCF.
In your case, you are only running the samtools portion.