From a the mapped reads of a bam file, how can extract a subset of reads that contain k-mers (for e.g., reads that contain TTT, TTTTTT, TTTTTTTT, TTTTTTTTTTTTT) ?
From a the mapped reads of a bam file, how can extract a subset of reads that contain k-mers (for e.g., reads that contain TTT, TTTTTT, TTTTTTTT, TTTTTTTTTTTTT) ?
If you want only reads where a nt is repeated a particular number of times, you can do the following
samtools view file.bam | grep 'T\{4,\}' | sed 's/^/>/' | awk -F'\t' '{print $1"\n"$10}' > foo.fa
Here, nt T
is consecutively found a minimum of 4 times. You can change the number as per your requirement.
As @genomax, suggested, updated to create a fasta file with reads. If it is mandatory to convert to fastq, I would suggest OP to do some work like finding this.
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Would make more sense to extract those from the fastq, no?