I'm downloading a BAM from the NCBI server. The thing is that I sometimes get an error message and sometimes not. Nothing change in my code. I just send the command at different times.
sam-dump SRR2937435 | samtools view -bS - > SRR2937435.bam
# I get a file that is ~950 MB
# 2016-11-04T21:57:49 sam-dump.2.7 err: function unsupported while opening file within network system module - error with http open 'http:
# 2016-11-04T21:57:49 sam-dump.2.7 err: item not found while reading file - input object(s) not found
I found other people having the same problem but it seems that nobody knows why. Do you have any idea?
By connection, do you mean my computer to the internet or a server error from NCBI? Is there a way that I get the error less frequently?