i want to write a code in R, that reads 2 or more SRA files, and then unite them into a single file, problem is, i don't understand how to operate the SRA data in R, i read around and it suggested to either convert or directly download them in the fastq format, but even doing that, i still don't understand how am i supposed to load the data into R in the first place even when operating with the fastq format
I don't think you should do this in R. Please read more about software called fastq-dump (fastq-dump --outdir /opt/fastq/ --split-files /home/[USER]/ncbi/public/sra/SRR925811.sra), download fastq and deal with that - there will be more resources and help available.
thanks for the reply but this is for a college project and i was asked to specificaly use R... would it be possible to treat the fastq file as txt file and simply unite the two txt file using R? that would be enough for what i was asked to do
When you are referring to "unite the two txt file using R" is that concatenation of the files (R1_1,R1_2,R2_1,R2_2) or interleaving of the reads from two files (e.g. R1_1,R2_1,R1_2,R2_2 etc)?
To answer your question: fastq files are plain text (in their uncompressed form) so you could treat them as text files in terms of readability.
i mean concatenating, anyway someone suggested me to use the shortread library, i'll try to see if i can achieve what i'm trying to do with that otherwise i'll try some to see if i can concatenate them as text files, thanks for your time!