Dear all,
I installed Mauve with the following:
apt-get install mauve-aligner
and then I ran it with the following:
mauveAligner --output=ery.mauve --output-alignment=ery.alignment ery_multiseq.fasta
where ery_multiseq.fasta is the fasta file with the different sequences I want to align; each sequence has a unique name. The file is 13 Mb and the average sequence's length is 1.2 Mb. The output was:
Sequence loaded successfully.
ery_multiseq.fasta 1876490 base pairs.
Sequence loaded successfully.
ery_multiseq.fasta 1876490 base pairs.
Sequence loaded successfully.
ery_multiseq.fasta 1752910 base pairs.
Sequence loaded successfully.
ery_multiseq.fasta 1752910 base pairs.
Sequence loaded successfully.
ery_multiseq.fasta 1787941 base pairs.
Sequence loaded successfully.
ery_multiseq.fasta 1787941 base pairs.
Sequence loaded successfully.
ery_multiseq.fasta 346770 base pairs.
Sequence loaded successfully.
ery_multiseq.fasta 398993 base pairs.
Sequence loaded successfully.
ery_multiseq.fasta 454198 base pairs.
Sequence loaded successfully.
ery_multiseq.fasta 731061 base pairs.
Using 15-mers for initial seeds
Creating sorted mer list
Create time was: 1 seconds.
Creating sorted mer list
Create time was: 1 seconds.
Creating sorted mer list
Create time was: 0 seconds.
Creating sorted mer list
Create time was: 1 seconds.
Creating sorted mer list
Create time was: 1 seconds.
Creating sorted mer list
Create time was: 1 seconds.
Creating sorted mer list
Create time was: 0 seconds.
Creating sorted mer list
Create time was: 1 seconds.
Creating sorted mer list
Create time was: 0 seconds.
Creating sorted mer list
Create time was: 0 seconds.
91%..92%..93%..94%..95%..96%..97%..98%..99%..Starting with 43306 MUMs
Eliminating overlaps yields 43767 MUMs
Multiplicity filter gives 0 MUMs
The ery.mauve file contained:
FormatVersion 4
SequenceCount 10
Sequence0File ery_multiseq.fasta
Sequence0Length 1876490
Sequence1File ery_multiseq.fasta
Sequence1Length 1876490
Sequence2File ery_multiseq.fasta
Sequence2Length 1752910
Sequence3File ery_multiseq.fasta
Sequence3Length 1752910
Sequence4File ery_multiseq.fasta
Sequence4Length 1787941
Sequence5File ery_multiseq.fasta
Sequence5Length 1787941
Sequence6File ery_multiseq.fasta
Sequence6Length 346770
Sequence7File ery_multiseq.fasta
Sequence7Length 398993
Sequence8File ery_multiseq.fasta
Sequence8Length 454198
Sequence9File ery_multiseq.fasta
Sequence9Length 731061
IntervalCount 0
whereas the ery.alignment was completely empty.
What did I do wrong?
Many thanks
PS: launching the GUI version I got the error: "the sequences might not have any homologous regions" which silly since the sequences are from variants of the same species