I am trying to edit an assembly and I have a .fa file with the sequence I am looking at. I am ultimately trying to create a .vfc file to look at errors in my sequence. I am using the script:
bwa index draft1_assembly.fa
bwa mem draft1_assembly.fa reads_1.fastq reads_2.fastq> draft1.sam
samtools view -b -o draft1.bam -S draft1.sam
samtools sort draft1.bam draft1.sorted
samtools index draft1.sorted.bam
samtools faidx draft1_assembly.fa
samtools tview draft1.bam draft1_assembly.fa
samtools mpileup -uf draft1_assembly.fa draft1.bam | bcftools call -vc –O v - >draft1_snps_indels.vcf
I have successfully created a .sam file using:
$bwa index H_vit_Rb.fa
$bwa mem H_vit_Rb.fa reads_1.fastq reads_2.fastq> H_vit_Rb.sam
I then successfully created a .bam file using:
$samtools view -b -o H_vit_Rb.bam -S H_vit_Rb.sam
But when I try to create a .sorted file using:
$samtools sort H_vit_Rb.bam H_vit_Rb.sorted
This message appears, not letting me create a .sorted file
[bam_sort] Use -T PREFIX / -o FILE to specify temporary and final output files
Usage: samtools sort [options...] [in.bam]
-l INT Set compression level, from 0 (uncompressed) to 9 (best)
-m INT Set maximum memory per thread; suffix K/M/G recognized [768M]
-n Sort by read name
-o FILE Write final output to FILE rather than standard output
-T PREFIX Write temporary files to PREFIX.nnnn.bam
-@, --threads INT
Set number of sorting and compression threads [1]
--input-fmt-option OPT[=VAL]
Specify a single input file format option in the form of OPTION or OPTION=VALUE
-O, --output-fmt FORMAT[,OPT[=VAL]]...
Specify output format (SAM, BAM, CRAM)
--output-fmt-option OPT[=VAL]
Specify a single output file format option in the form of OPTION or OPTION=VALUE
--reference FILE
Reference sequence FASTA FILE [null]
What does this mean and how do i fix it?
samtools has changed the way sort works - the new invocation is much simpler but is not compatible with the old style
there is a very large number of tutorials out there demonstrating the old style usage
Just a remark on terminology, what you describe as "script" are commonly called "commands".