PAC has been shown to outperform other K-estimating methods (e.g., ) in this paper and this paper
Dr. Yasin Şenbabaoğlu has kindly provided the R implementation of PAC . You can use the results in ConsensusClusterPlus as input to get optimal K based on minimum PAC.
The code is from here.
d = matrix(rnorm(200000,0,1),ncol=200) # 200 samples in columns, 1000 genes in rows
colnames(d) = paste("Samp",1:200,sep="")
rownames(d) = paste("Gene",1:1000,sep="")
d = sweep(d,1, apply(d,1,median,na.rm=T))
maxK = 6 # maximum number of clusters to try
results = ConsensusClusterPlus(d,maxK=maxK,reps=50,pItem=0.8,pFeature=1,title="test_run",
# Note that we implement consensus clustering with innerLinkage="complete".
# We advise against using innerLinkage="average" which is the default value in this package as average linkage is not robust to outliers.
############## PAC implementation ##############
Kvec = 2:maxK
x1 = 0.1; x2 = 0.9 # threshold defining the intermediate sub-interval
PAC = rep(NA,length(Kvec))
names(PAC) = paste("K=",Kvec,sep="") # from 2 to maxK
for(i in Kvec){
M = results[[i]]$consensusMatrix
Fn = ecdf(M[lower.tri(M)])
PAC[i-1] = Fn(x2) - Fn(x1)
}#end for i
# The optimal K
optK = Kvec[which.min(PAC)]
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I am seeing the images when I click the links and did not need to sign up.
sorry, i made a mistake in uploading images, you should now have access to the images.
This is a question that comes up a lot. Could you re-post the images?