I want to uss bedops to some peaks' average phastCon score, and I followed this Average PhastCon score for a bed file
But when I use sort-bed to sort my bedfile, it report an error "Non-numeric end coordinate", I don't know what's wrong.my bed file is as follows(no header, just chr1).
chr1 846692 846703
chr1 873947 873958
chr1 873947 873958
chr1 902385 902396
if I using starch non-sorted file(starch chr1_AP1_peak.bed > chr1_ap_s.starch), it report ERROR: BED data is missing chromosome and/or coordinate data ERROR: BED data could not be transformed. ERROR: Could not write transformed/compressed data to output file pointer.
I don't konw how to deal with it. can any body help me,thanks!
If you'd still like help with this, please post the results of running:
This will suggest if there are problems with the formatting of your input file, which could trip up other tools.