Dear all hi,
I have paired end chip-exo data. The interesting is, both reads from each of the pair was already mapped and peaks were called. I have data in BED format which caused a confusion because of the paired end reads. Even though I have found couple softwares for paired chip-exo analysis, they all require bam input. I dont want to do all the alignment again therefore I wanted ask the community of booster.
My aim is to get BigWig file format for visualisation and ~250 bp peaks for the data process(finding overlaps etc.);
1) I am totally lost for the bigwig part so I beg for your information. Can I obtain BigWig with current available information? (I checked bed to BigWig threads from seq answers and biostars but can I solve it with using bedtools genomeconv)
2) For obtaining ~250 bp peaks I thought merging them with bedtools could be a solution. Is there a gold standard for merging process ?
Could you enlighten me a bit. Any document regarding this information would be very useful as well. — > source of the data.
Tuncs-MacBook-Pro:~ morova$ more /Volumes/blackhole/chip-exo/GSE43785_RAW/GSM1071284_120424_ChipEXO5_NoIndex_L005_R1.fastq.tagAlign.bed
chr12 79171842 79171891 -
chr4 144341449 144341498 -
chr3 42101448 42101497 -
chr19 18496785 18496834 +
chr3 24961259 24961308 +
chr5 4818754 4818803 +
chr10 88177242 88177291 +
chr2 45031538 45031587 +
chr3 190478599 190478648 +
chr20 8807491 8807540 -
Thank you for your help,
ChIP-exo data probably won't have 250bp peaks, resolution is much better than ChIP-seq - see fig from Rhee & Pugh: