Anyone knows on which version of the human genome the data in the cbioportal is associated? I've downloaded mutations for several genes, but I've no idea whether they refer to hg18, hg19 or hg38, and didn't found any indication neither on the website nor on the forum.
Hi Cyriac,
Your last post on this chat seemed to imply that TCGA mitochondrial DNA sequence mutations are available via cBioportal. But each time I enter in an mtDNA encoded gene (e.g. "MT-ND1" or "MTND1" or "ND1") in the cBioportal search box, the gene symbol pops up as invalid. Nuclear encoded mitochondrial genes (e.g. "SDHA") are searchable in the cBioportal search box for TCGA data. Thoughts? (is there another way to search, or does cBioportal just not have mtDNA encoded TCGA mutations?). Also, do you know if cBioportal offers the normal matched controls? And if we have permission/access to the private TCGA data, can we get it through cBioportal (I've downloaded the private data from CGHub, but I'm not a computer whiz, so I'd love to use the user-friendly cBioportal tools).
CGHub Database, as given in the paper (Database URL: https://cghub.ucsc.edu OR https://gdc.nci.nih.gov/) is unavailable. Any idea?