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8.2 years ago
Dear All:
I want to use the tool "ProDeGe: a computational protocol for fully automated decontamination of genomes". Any of you has used before?
I tried to find a manual, but I could not. I need an explanation about how to use.
Thank you.
I'm familiar with it, but have not personally used it. Can you describe the project you are working on and the type of contamination you are experiencing?
hi; I am working on a worm project. I have its transcriptome data. I would like to check whether the data is contaminated by bacteria or not. I want to know how to do this by prodege. I need a step by step explanation.
Thank you.
Everyone at JGI is on vacation because it's Thanksgiving, but on Monday I can talk to the people who use it routinely.
Why not use bbsplit with worm reference. That should leave all non-worm reads behind. Check the reads with blast afterwards.
Dear Brian:
I got the program from my supervisor. Can I ask you a few questions about the program?
You can certainly ask, but like I said, I have never used it, I only work with people who use it. I know a little about how it works, though.
the program needs a configuration file, as it is suggested in README file.
I am pasting here: INPUT/OUTPUT ProDeGe takes as input a fasta file that includes contigs from contaminant origin and the taxonomy of the target organism, and creates a fasta file including only the contigs from the target organism. Several intermediary files are created during the process.
RUNNING prodege.sh <configuration file="">
EXAMPLE Two examples are included in the Examples folder. The config.cfg needs to be updated with the install location and the working directory. To run the example type: prodege.sh <config file="">
My questions are:
Should I create a configuration file in which I have to write bacteria names that I want to check in my transcriptome data?If yes, can I write general bacteria names?
I need help about how to run this analysis.
According to their paper, the program should be able to download from here: https://prodege.jgi-psf.org/downloads/src
But the whole server seems to be down, I would suspect that is where the manual would be
I tried but I could not find anything about the program, including manual and program itself.
Yeah the whole server seems to be down, the web version, the standalone version, the whole thing