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8.4 years ago
I need a free software that work with no connection and containing the tool fastqc
I need a free software that work with no connection and containing the tool fastqc
FaatQC does not need an Internet connection to work. You only need it to get the program
NGS QC toolkit is good choose to quality control http://www.nipgr.res.in/ngsqctoolkit.html
RseqQC http://rseqc.sourceforge.net
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yes i know, but this tool does not work in my pc (he asks the java installation to make it work despite the java was instaled but the problem is still), so I want a free software with this tool that works without connection i have a software Sequencher 5.4.5 but the validity of the trial was ended
what version of java you have?
There are two flavors of Java, 32 and 64 bits Check if you have installed the 64bit version
i verified the java instalation (64 bit), but the problem is still
Try to give a clue about the problem. You need to provide some messages given by the program when you try to execute it
it directly closes the program after execution
If using Windows, notice that a cmd window is opened. Within this window, you get verbose information about what is happening
the information of cmd C:\Users\HP>java -version java version "1.8.0_111" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_111-b14) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 25.111-b14, mixed mode, sharing)
So do you want fastqc? A tool that has fastqc embedded in it? Or an alternative to fastqc?
It also depends what functionality you want from fastqc, alternatives to fastqc would be:
1) prinseq-lite: http://prinseq.sourceforge.net/manual.html#STANDALONE 2) fastx-toolkit: http://hannonlab.cshl.edu/fastx_toolkit/ 3) condetri: https://github.com/linneas/condetri 4) sickle: https://github.com/ucdavis-bioinformatics/sickle
yes i need fastqc only , To do a job for students ( this time I used the Galaxy interface)
So do you have fastqc downloaded on to your machine - you'll need to unzip FastQC v0.11.5 (Win/Linux zip file) from http://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/download.html somewhere onto your computer.
Then inside that folder, Simply double click on the run_fastqc bat file.
Does that work? If not, what it does it say.
yes i installed the fastqc and the java ( for windows 10 , 64bits)
Kaspersky is able to block the execution of java, although I save as a sure object, but the problem is the same
I think there is an issue with Kaspersky blocking execution of .bat files - so is blocking the run_fastqc bat file: http://superuser.com/questions/400291/kaspersky-is-blocking-my-batch-file
Essentially, all that file contains is this:
Try opening the MS-DOS prompt, changing directory into the one the run_fastqc file is in and execute that command - does that work?
does not work ( close directly)
So no error messages get sent to the DOS prompt? And no message from Kaspersky? When you type:
yes Erreur : impossible de trouver ou charger la classe principale uk.ac.babraham.FastQC.FastQCApplication
Unable to find or load main class
Are you in the correct folder? You need to be located in the FastQC folder (wherever you downloaded it to on your computer).
This folder contains the file run_fastqc.bat file, sam-1.103.jar, and loads more
If that doesn't work, I would open up your run_fastq.bat file in Notepad - to check the exact command on your computer (you may have a different version to me) - and try that.
If not, you could try disabling Kaspersky, then trying FastQC, then turning Kaspersky back on: http://faq.mydocsonline.com/695/java-applications-cannot-launch-due-to-kaspersky-internet-security/
If not, prob time to try another tool
thank you very much for your help
yes it contains this file, the fastqc are downloaded directly in my computer (I tried several times to install it)
If you type:
Into the dos prompt what is the output?
is a list of many program ( without fasqtc)
You need to be in the the fastqc directory (the directory run_fastqc bat file is in), and then run the command:
So either cd into it, or launch the dos prompt from that folder directly: