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8.2 years ago
I have a matrix like this:
- Column = Genes
- Column = Cluster gene belongs to
- Column = Annotation1
- Column = Annotation2
- Column = Annotation3
A new matrix would look like this:
- Column = Cluster
- Column = Annotation Terms and their pValue.
It checks one column and one term at a time. The background contains all rows (all genes) and the enrichment is checked for all genes in the same cluster.
I need a python modul, that takes those two datasets and calculates the pValue (with benjamini correction). Is there such a modul and which method should I use for the anrichment analysis?
For over enrichment using KEGG of clusters I use functions in the clusterprofiler package, I am pretty sure it would be easier to adapt this to your needs than write it out in Python. There is also a similar function in the Limma package for simple over enrichment testing.