Is there a way to get the current version of a transcript for a genelist?
For example
a file with
MECP2 is used with the below results
MECP2 NM_004992.3
I have tried a mysql dump from UCSC and using the LRG_RefSeqGene, the problem is those have many duplicate entries in it that lead to incorrect information. Thank you :).
have you tried looking up from the gtf/gff file?
No how would I do that? Not familiar with that format. Thank you :).
I think @Prasad meant that you would get the GTF/GFF annotation file the for the genome of choice (which should be human in your case based on past interactions).
I think the problem may not be "duplicate" entries but of these gene names being common for multiple organisms. MECP2 seems to come up with 116 human entries in Genes database at NCBI (and over 2000 for all organisms).
Another option would be to get the gene2refseq mapping file. Look for entries that say reviewed and then narrow down to the organism of choice.