I have a matrix of expression data (rows -- genes, cols -- samples) that I want to view as a heatmap. It has row and column labels. And I want to be able to interactively sort the rows by expression in any one column (or alphabetically by column), or the columns by expression in any one row.
Basically, a paired down version of Excel, but with colours instead of numbers and a one-click sort interface.
Oh, one more thing, the matrix isn't that big -- maybe at most ~100 genes and ~50 samples and usually smaller.
Among the plethora of bioinformatics webservers and tools, there's got to be something that does this, any ideas?
Please don't answer "do it in MATLAB", or R, or whatever, I can do that but I want something with a bit less hassle -- ideally, I upload my tab-delimited textfile to some craftily designed website.
Looks like a very cool tool. The interface is a little unintuitive. It took me a bit of time to figure out where the "heatmap" option was. It was a bit hard to figure out how to load my own data into the interface. Perhaps it would have been easier if I read the instructions (or watched the tutorial) or if I wasn't using the Java webstart. But I did manage to find the heatmap option, though I could only sort by columns, not rows.
sorting can be done for rows, columns and both at a time if you access the "Data->Sort->By Value" Dialog. Hope this helps
dmeu: Thanks for the tip !