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8.1 years ago
I'm wondering if in my VCF file, I can count the number of loci.
I would count the number of SNPs with
egrep -v "^#" input.vcf | wc -l
But what about the number of loci? If I have 55 individuals in my VCF file, does this is an issue?
I know that a SNP can be accounted as a locus, but do you know if there is a way to know how many SNPs I called in the different genes on my reference genome. I have he annotation file "GFF". Is there a tool that can map the number of SNPs to the genes?
convert the vcf to bed and then use bedtools intersect...
I used this code to intersect the GFF and the bed files, but how do you count the number of SNPs per gene in the GFF? bedtools intersect -a gene.gff \ -b output.bed
This is just, I think, giving the similarities in the 2 documents. Right?