Dear Biostars, Hi (Sorry if this question is simple but I have asked it in stackoverflow but no answer after 4 days)
(you can modify the title if it is not good)
I have a table like the table I will show in below.
I want to show it in a graph (bar chart was my first guess), but if I use bar chart and put the species on X (zebrafish to human) and the Numbers of hits on Y,
the observers will see the number of protein hits I have collected (Number of hits) for each species, but they cant judge that this number is how much good (as they can't see the Total reference) !
So, I need to insert "total reference number" aside of "numbers of hit" But I don't know how to do this and what kind of graph or plot is suitable for this task (is it a Gantt chart or bubble chart ?)
Any suggestions ? I will appreciate that
~ Thanks
zebrafish lampry medaka human
Total in reference....4431 ........................... 2628 .......................... 735 ...................... 9399
Numbers of hits ..... 28 ............................... 14 ............................ 19............................ 62
I have no idea which message your graph should show, but for example creating fractions/percentages of those numbers and putting those in a bar chart might help? e.g. zebrafish 0.6% lamprey 0.5%, medaka 2.5%, human 0.6%?
Not sure how relevant those numbers are, but I guess you are more familiar with what you are doing than I am. To me, it looks rather... fishy ;-)