Dear all, I am trying to use QuasR to analyse my RNA seq data.
sampleFile <- "output/genome/ref/seq/samples_rna_single.txt"
genomeFile <- "output/genome/ref/seq/celegans.fa"
proj2 <- QuasR::qAlign(sampleFile, genome=genomeFile, splicedAlignment=TRUE, paired = 'no')
Error: output/genome/ref/seq/samples_rna_single.txt should contain the column names FileName1,FileName2,SampleName (paired end data)
I do not understand the error. I set the parameter 'paired' to 'no', so surely it should not except paired reads. Can anyone help, please? My samples_rna_single.txt file contains two columns named FileName and SampleName.
Thank you so much!
there is no header in the sampleFile. that is it