Dear all,
This is a question that I can't answer for long. When doing functionnal annotation, how to represent the results ? You have a list of genes, or protein. You use DAVID functionnal annotation tool for example to search for enriched functions. Then you want to represent the functions in your list, but as keywords are shared by many genes, you cannot do a simple pie-chart.
An alternative would be to use venn diagrams, where each keyword is represented by an ensemble, each size is proportional to the number of genes annotated with one keyword, and the joint surface proportional to the number of genes that share two keywords. However, as you usually want to display many keywords, the representation is difficult to impossible to obtain.
Do you know an alternative to show together these three items :
1) The selected keywords, that may highlights the relevant functions in your list 2) The number of the genes that are annotated with a given keyword 3) The proportion of genes that share 2 or more keywords
Thanks for an hint on this,
I like the idea of heatmap by JC, but again, what's wrong with a pie chart in this scenario?
I don't know if it is "wrong", but I tested it several times, when people see a pie-chart showing the annotation, they believe the whole is the total number of genes. As genes are annotated with many keywords, i don't really know what the areas mean. If we allow that the genes are repeated for the representation (because they fall in many different categories), then the area for keyword A will be smaller than expected (if half of the list of genes share keyword A, but that most of them are annotated with at least 6 keywords, the area for A will not be the half of the circle, but much smaller ?). Don't know if I really clear !