I am trying to run mirPro on the example data set, however I get following error:
RNAfold < ./run/SRR333598/novel/tmp/precursors.fa --noPS > ./run/SRR333598/novel/tmp/precursors.str
RNAfold [-p[0|2]] [-C] [-T temp] [-4] [-d[2|3]] [-noGU] [-noCloseGU]
[-noLP] [-e e_set] [-P paramfile] [-nsp pairs] [-S scale]
[-noconv] [-noPS] [-circ] [-MEA [gamma]]
can't excute command: RNAfold < ./run/SRR333598/novel/tmp/precursors.fa --noPS > ./run/SRR333598/novel/tmp/precursors.str
RNAfold 2.0 is installed and it functiones with mirDeep2.
Do you have any suggestions how ti fix this issue?
I use following command to run miRpro:
mirpro \
-i SRR333597.fastq \
-i SRR333598.fastq \
-i SRR333599.fastq \
-i SRR333600.fastq \
-d . \
-m mature.fa \
-p hairpin.fa \
-s mmu \
-f miFam.dat \
--novel 1 \
--other rno \
-g Mus_musculus.GRCm38.dna.toplevel.fa \
--index Mus_musculus.GRCm38.dna.toplevel.idx \
-t 4
All the input files are in current directory.