So I have RNAseq fastq files and I want to look through them and find the number of reads that map to this TERRA repeat: TTAGGG(repeating)
Is there a way I can use a grep command?
I was trying to create my own reference and do an alignment like this:
bwa mem -t 15 ~/RNAseq2/refs/TERRA.fa ~/RNAseq2/raws/EarlyPassA.R1.fq.gz \ | samblaster \ | sambamba view -t 15 -h -f bam -S /dev/stdin \ | sambamba sort -t 15 -m 10G -o ~/RNAseq2/outT/EarlyPassA.R1.bam /dev/stdin
But I'm still having trouble.
Any suggestions or sample code?
I got these errors:
[bam_header_read] EOF marker is absent. The input is probably truncated. [E::bwa_idx_load] fail to locate the index files [bam_header_read] invalid BAM binary header (this is not a BAM file). [main_samview] fail to read the header from "-".
You either mistyped the command in your original post or my modification of it. If you figure out what's wrong with the bwa part, then the samtools part will work itself out.