Hello! I am a beginner and I need help. I downloaded from NCBI two distinct fasta files, which contain both a nucleotide sequence, and are saved in a folder on my pc; these are the names of the files: NG_006672.1.fasta NG_006682.3.fasta using locally blast would like to create a database, with makeblastdb command, which contains my 2 fasta sequences. How can I do?
-in <(cat file1.fa file2.fa)
seems not to work with Blast 2.7.1, it shows this error:BLAST options error: File /dev/fd/11 does not exist
. I found out you can actually use a regular pipe like so:cat file1.fa file2.fa | makeblastdb -title myDBtitle -out myDBpath -parse_seqids
That could be a shell restriction. If your shell allows process substitution,
should work fine.Also, this is a 3 year old post, so there is quite the chance the blast executable could be a different version.