Has anyone used Bioscope 1.2 to split barcoded and pooled SOLiD sequence reads? E.g. if i start with one .csfasta file containing six different barcodes I want to be able to split them into six different .csfasta files, each containing only one barcode.
I realise i can probably script this splitting process myself, but i would like to know how this can be achieved using Bioscope.
Thank you everyone for your comments. In the end i wrote my own script to split the barcoded reads. Basically it pairs the core read id (number_number_number) of the sequence and qualities scores with the barcode id.
I made the decision to allow missed colours (designated by '.' in the sequence and '-1' in the quality scores) and one wrong colour call. In both cases there has to be only one unambiguous match to one of the sixteen 5mer barcodes.
I am testing it at the moment, but if anyone is interested in taking a look i am happy to make it available.