Hi all,
I am stuck with something that is simple for most of you all. I have list of NCI_Acession Number for downloading the genome from NCBI. I am using NCBI entrenz to get the data. The command I am using for testing if or not I downloaded the entrenz edirect successfully I used the command:
esearch -db nucleotide -query "NC_001552" | efetch -format fasta > output.fasta
The error I am getting says,
connect attempt failed.
Result of do_post http request is
$VAR1 = bless( {
'_content' => 'Can\'t connect to eutils.be-md.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:443 (certificate verify failed)
I am trying to fix it but I am not able to. Can anyone help me with this? Regards, Bandana
Are you using the latest edirect utils release? NCBI has switched to HTTPS only connections.
Yes. I downloaded from Ncbi site
I am also getting an error but a different one. In your case it looks like the SSL cert on eutils.be-md.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov error.
Edit: I am not 100% certain if the error is on our end or NCBI's. They appear to be using a wildcard SSL cert on their end.
Unable to replicate the error and the command works for me. I am using eutils version 4.80
It appears that edirect now needs a newer version of OpenSSL.
OpenSSL 1.0.1k 8
is working for me. Check with your sys admins to see if upgrading OpenSSL is a possibility.