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8.9 years ago
I did and RNAseq analysis for 2 conditions, paired end experiments. Alignment was done with HISAT2 against hg38 and I followed cufflinks and cuffdiff for assembly and quantification.
When I used cummeRbund to analyze cuffdiff output, it give me this:
CuffSet instance with:
2 samples
60483 genes
348565 isoforms
143516 TSS
60483 promoters
143516 splicing
0 relCDS
Why did I get zero CDS?
That's big news! Thanks for the announcement.
The "News" category is most relevant when you announce something useful to the bioinformatics world, such as a new major release of a popular software tool, or a release by NIH asking teams to stop doing the pet bioinformatician thing. What you have here is a question.
hi! Did you slove this problem? I have same problem. Alignment was done with HISAT2 too.my cuffdiff file only have result with gene and isofrms : CuffSet instance with: 2 samples 14164 genes 14164 isoforms 0 TSS 0 CDS 0 promoters 0 splicing 0 relCDS
I check the gtf file and option --dta-cufflinks. There is no error report. if you already slove the problem ,please tell me . Thanks!
Please don't add an answer unless you've solved the question (and hence you have an actual answer). Add a comment if you wish to say "me too".
I've moving your answer to a comment now.
Did you check the GTF file by doing a simple grep "CDS" file.gtf ? If you don't have lines representing CDS, then you obviously don't have CDS in the computation. If you do it, do you find CDS lines? How many? is it a number which is comparable with the number of exon lines (it should be < or = to that).