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8.0 years ago
I have a bed file test.bed in my dropbox folder IT looks like this: track type=narrowPeak
chr1 20043 20271 peak_1 144 . 2.49571 14.43234 12.63910 120
chr1 20458 20833 peak_2 31 . 1.62404 3.16259 1.50991 285
chr1 27985 30160 peak_3 83648 . 284.82178 8364.81250 8359.05762 1249
chr1 236121 236490 peak_4 239 . 3.86158 23.97692 22.13324 258
I am trying to load this file in UCSC browser by pasting url using "copy dropbox link" option. overtime I do this I am getting error of "note: chrom names are case sensitive, e.g.: correct: 'chr1', incorrect: 'Chr1', incorrect: '1')" Can someone help me with this?
ps. I want to do this using url because I want to create a session and share it with my advisor.
Check the dropbox note from UCSC support at this link (at the end of the page). Have you "enabled public folders" as suggested there?
It sounds like Public folders will go away soon; not sure if this is relevant to your issue: